Nutrient Calculator for Weight Loss
This tool will help you calculate the recommended range of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats).
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What should be the ratio of nutrients in order to lose weight?
Reasonable macronutrient distribution ranges are 40-60% carbohydrates, 15-35% proteins and 25-35% fats.

How do you calculate macronutrients for weight loss?
To lose weight, find a ratio you can stick with and consume fewer calories than you burn.
Macronutrients (also known as macros) are the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates we get from food. If a person's goal is to lose weight, then they need to ensure a calorie deficit. However, in terms of health and dietary comfort, the role of accounting for proteins, fats and carbohydrates cannot be overestimated.
Proteins are an important part of animal and human nutrition (main sources: meat, poultry, fish, milk, nuts, legumes, and grains; to a lesser extent: vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms). During digestion, enzymes break down ingested proteins into amino acids, which are used to biosynthesize the body's own proteins or further break down for energy.
When a person sticks to a diet, the calorie content of his/her diet decreases. This can lead to loss of muscle mass. To prevent this development, experts recommend focusing on protein foods during the process of losing weight.
The optimal daily amount of protein is up to 1.6–1.8 g per kilogram of body weight. It is advisable to distribute the daily amount of protein foods over several meals.
Carbohydrates are an integral component of the cells and tissues of all living flora and fauna organisms, which make up (by mass) most of the organic matter on Earth.
Why shouldn't one exclude carbohydrates from the diet?
First, carbohydrate food is the main supplier of glucose. Lack of this substance disturbs energy metabolism in the body, increasing fatigue.
Foods high in carbohydrates are valuable sources of fiber. First of all, we are talking about whole plant foods – vegetables, fruits, berries, and cereals.
Women need at least 28 grams of fiber per day. Men – no less than 32 grams. The most useful dietary fiber is found in whole foods.
Along with carbohydrates and proteins, fats are one of the main components of nutrition.
In living organisms, they perform structural and energy functions: they are the main component of cell membranes, and the body's energy reserve is stored in fat cells.
Without fats, you can achieve your weight-loss goal, but this can negatively affect your overall well-being and health. A simple rule applies here – you need a balanced diet.
According to their structure, fats are divided into the following types:
- saturated;
- unsaturated (these are mono- or polyunsaturated).
The latter are highly recommended for those who want to lose weight and maintain health. Unsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils, eggs, sea fish, and nuts. Moderate consumption of this macronutrient increases muscle elasticity, skin elasticity, and helps nourish the hair and nails.
According to WHO recommendations, the proportion of fat in a healthy diet should be 20-30% of total calories.