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Food Calculator for weight loss. Powered by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) National Nutrient Database.
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Properly selected products will not only help you maintain normal bodily functions, but also help you get rid of extra pounds.
Foods One Can Eat Without Restrictions
You should start with what you can consume without restrictions:
- cucumbers, peppers, all kinds of cabbage, tomatoes;
- still water;
- wild fish meat, most seafood;
- all fresh herbs, lettuce, sorrel, spinach;
- coffee and tea without cream or sugar (one should take into account their state of health as coffee is not for everyone!);
- domestic chicken, beef, veal, turkey, lamb meat.
Also baked, boiled, steamed or raw, you can include in the diet turnips, green peas, zucchini, carrots, beans, and beets. Allowed are such foods as radishes, green beans, and eggplant. When cooking, dishes should not contain any fats or much oil. Mayonnaise should also be excluded.
Products Recommended in Moderate Volumes
For a diet to work, one should consume some vegetables, fruits, and other foods in the amount of half of the usual volume. These include the following:
- sour-milk products with both normal fat content (fat-free ones should be excluded from the diet);
- boiled potatoes;
- lentils, beans, peas and other legumes;
- seeds, nuts;
- fish, meat and vegetable soups;
- all fruits, except those specified in the prohibited list;
- chicken, quail and other eggs;
- non-rich bakery products (a couple of pieces are recommended per day);
- any durum wheat pasta cooked al dente;
- whole grain cereals, exclude all fast foods.
You should choose natural products that don’t contain artificial additives. When cooking, the al dente method should be used, that is, some dishes need to be slightly undercooked. This way they retain more nutrients, saturate better and do not cause weight gain.
Products to be Eliminated from the Diet or Limited
If weight is normal, their rare use is allowed. For example, a spoonful of honey with tea or coffee, or a small amount of natural chocolate. But most products are recommended to be eliminated.
These include the following:
- sauces (this applies not only to ready-made sauces, but also those you cook yourself);
- chicken and pork with antibiotics and growth hormones used for their growth (they are not present in domestic meat, so half of the usual norm is allowed);
- fish, canned meat;
- refined vegetable oils (unrefined sunflower, linseed and some other types are allowed, but up to two tablespoons per day);
- sugar of any kind, honey (if possible, these are excluded from the diet);
- jams, preserves;
- ice cream;
- sausages, bratwurst, smoked meats;
- sweets, chocolate (a small amount is allowed, with high cocoa content from 70 to 90%);
- melon, watermelon, grapes (only ripe and in season);
- cakes, cookies, pastries and other confectionery;
- alcohol.
For this group, boiled or steamed dishes are recommended. When cooking, use dishes that do not require oil. The quantity of the products from this list should be reduced to the bare minimum. It would be better to completely eliminate some, including carbonated drinks and alcohol.
Simple Steps to Losing Weight
Many habits are hard to break. Completely undertaking a proper diet is not what everyone can cope with. One should also bear in mind that a diet is specific for each person. You should first consult with a nutritionist who will create a helpful, nutritionally correct diet that will take into account all the needs of your body in your current state of health.
You should start the transition smoothly, gradually eliminating or reducing two or three items. It is most convenient to start by eliminating sweets, gradually adding fatty and smoked foods to this list. For those who are used to eating late, mealtime should be shifted fifteen minutes earlier each day until reaching the optimal time.
The bases of any healthy diet are vegetables and meat. One should keep in mind that the calorie content of animal fats is lower than that of vegetable fats. To reduce your appetite, you can drink water with lemon juice. It is also recommended to use greens. In some cases, instead of a snack, you can get by with a glass of water or tea without sugar.
One should not forget about helpful physical activity. Proper nutrition is good, but daily walks outdoors and moderate physical activity are indispensable.
What time is the last meal allowed?
The last meal in the evening is best planned three hours before bedtime, and no later. For example, if a person plans to go to bed at 22:00, dinner should be no later than 19:00.
Which foods can you eat in the evening?
The ideal solution for dinner would be protein and vegetables, foods with a low glycemic index, and low calorie content. For example – baked fish with vegetables.