Almond-Ginger Chicken Bowl – Calories & Nutrition Facts

An Almond-Ginger Chicken Bowl is a delicious and healthy meal that combines juicy chicken, nutrient-rich vegetables, and flavorful spices. This dish is perfect for those who are looking for a healthy and satisfying meal that is easy to prepare.

Per serving
Calories: 460 kcal
Proteins: 30 g
Fats: 15 g
Carbohydrates: 55 g

Nutrition Facts

What makes this dish special
A craveable almond butter-ginger sauce, sweetened with coconut sap
Juicy chicken breast for a hit of protein
Veggie medley of broccoli and red bell peppers
A base of wild rice for added fiber

Almond-Ginger Chicken Bowl – Calories & Nutrition Facts

Not only is an Almond-Ginger Chicken Bowl delicious, but it is also packed with healthy nutrients. Chicken is an excellent source of protein, while the vegetables provide a variety of vitamins and minerals. Almonds are also rich in healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

In conclusion, an Almond-Ginger Chicken Bowl is a delicious and healthy meal that is perfect for a quick and easy dinner. This dish is sure to satisfy your taste buds and keep you feeling full and energized.

How do you start losing weight?

First you need to determine your daily calorie intake. Most of your energy is spent on bodily functions.
The Calorie Calculator for Weight Loss can help you determine how many calories you need to consume each day.

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